Everyone has the right to the best IT has to offer!
The world around us is changing rapidly. Developments in the IT field play an important role, both socially and economically. The influence of IT will play an even more decisive role in the future, which makes the ability to respond as an organisation absolutely vital.
We are Protinus IT
Based on our ambition that things can and must be improved, Protinus has been helping large- and medium-sized organisations to be and remain flexible in the acquisition of large-scale IT for more than 10 years.
By finding the best IT suppliers and connecting them directly to any IT issue in your organisation, we enhance your IT position: functionally, technically and financially.
"We don't know what will happen tomorrow, but we do know how you can respond.”
This Find, Connect, Enhance approach is what we call Managed Sourcing, which offers you the best of IT. This is because you gain use of the largest partner network in the Netherlands in the field of hardware, software, staffing and solutions for Smart City, Multicloud, and others.
We have carefully searched for and found more than 2,500 partners over the past 10 years. This enables us to match the best offer to your demand, regardless of brand or supplier.
Everyone has the right to the best IT has to offer!
Based on this conviction, we work on your flexibility and innovative capacity as well as remove restrictions that hold you back, such as long contract terms and the time it takes to conclude and manage those contracts, as well as being bound to one or more brands within the contract.
If you conclude a contract with us, you will experience maximum freedom of choice, flexibility, purchasing advantages, and insight into and overview of your order management.




News & Current Affairs
Protinus IT wint aanbesteding ROAD2023
De Rijksinkoopcategorie Datacenters heeft de aanbesteding ROAD2023 o.a. aan Protinus IT gegund. Samen met haar...
Protinus IT en Dutch IT Channel vieren samenwerking tijdens jubileumeditie van Awards gala
Protinus IT verbindt zich voor de tiende keer als Main Event Partner aan de editie van de Dutch IT Channel Awards die...
Protinus IT wint rijksbrede aanbesteding voor ICT werkplek Accessoires & Android Devices (IWR2024)
Protinus IT heeft wederom, samen met twee andere leveranciers, met succes het rijkssbrede contract binnengehaald voor...
Protinus haalt hoogste status binnen CyberVadis standaard
Cyberweerbaarheid is één van de belangrijkste aandachtsgebieden binnen organisaties. Het is tenslotte cruciaal dat...
Update: CrowdStrike storing Windows-gebruikers
Een recente update van de CrowdStrike Falcon-sensor veroorzaakt ernstige verstoringen voor Windows-gebruikers over de...
Protinus IT en Dutch IT Channel vieren samenwerking tijdens jubileumeditie van Awards gala
Protinus IT verbindt zich voor de tiende keer als Main Event Partner aan de editie van de Dutch IT Channel Awards die...
Docspro: “Bedrijven vinden digitale transformatie vaak lastig uitvoerbaar”
Grote hoeveelheden aan informatie komen op allerlei manieren bij bedrijven binnen. Hoe optimaliseer je die processen?...